
Scriptor's Archive - CMYK - Dark Winter

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moonmute's avatar

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"Dark Winter"... The word Dark does makes every thing sound evil,  doesn't it.  No wonder you would be interested in this...

This event is the turning point of CMYK universe.  It will be crucial for you to know what it is, stranger.  

So hear me well... For this, is the Dark Winter tales.


Walk on the snow by moonmute

Dark Winter is a name given by the locals in Alitsar Empire, to the day the turned once a glorious Empire into nothing but ruins.  It started approximately on 12th full-moon, when the mysterious dark beings started to emerges from the capital city of Alitsar empire, Dorhaven.  

On that fateful day, the snow had been pouring down in the Alistar Empire for weeks.  People started to notice a mysterious dark mist forming across the northern horizon.  That mist soon covered almost all of Alistar Empire and day suddenly turned into night.  Before anyone can wrap their head on what had happened, dark creatures rises from the shadows of Dorhaven.  The whole city was completely obliterated in less than a day.

With more than 80% of the military force destroyed in Dorhaven, Alitsar Empire have no means to stop this disaster.  Citizens of Alitsar Empire now are forced to flee and seek refuge from their allied country in the south, Kingdom of Nastelca.

After receiving the news of incoming refugees, Kingdom of Nastelca had mobilized their Royal Knight Army to the border.   They hoped to set up an emergency rescue force to aid refugees and strengthen the defensive line against the unknown enemy that brought the downfall of Alitsar Empire.  Army of Light also send their troops to aids Royal Knights.

Three days later, the mysterious mist arrived and they finally faced very creatures that destroyed Kingdom of Nastelca.  Army of Light referred to these creature as "NOCTES", since they believe this is the same creature prophesied in their teachings.

With the effort of the frontline troops and one notable act of bravery from one young squire, they were able to push back what was once thought to be the inevitable doom. 


... And that is pretty much how the story of Dark Winter came to be, stranger.  Some may say it is a tale of the downfall of Alitsar Empire.  While other may say it is a story about the birth of the new hero.

You looks a little confuse, but do not worry.  Take your time... We will continue once you are ready.

What is NOCTES?
Archive on "Dark Winter" in CMYK Universe
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Obelis's avatar
So unexpectedly... :o There must have been a lot of deaths, and not just among the soldiers. 

So now it explains why the army is so important. :nod: